Belen Partners

Adilene Dominguez's search fund capital setup to find and acquire one small enduringly profitable business.

Belen Partners
Traditional Search Entity

About the company

As an entrepreneur, I draw inspiration from my earliest mentors—my mom and dad. Their entrepreneurial journey as immigrants from Mexico taught me invaluable lessons in resilience, vision, and dedication. With their guidance, I navigate the world of business acquisition with a deep-rooted understanding of what it takes to succeed as small business owner.

The name Belen is a traditional Spanish name representing “the house of bread,” referencing the unbreakable family bond. Belen Partners is a dedication to my family and the values that my parents instilled in my siblings and me: unity, hard work and honesty.  And, the understanding that we represent something bigger than ourselves, that we embody the dream of immigrant families who arrived in the United States in pursuit of a better life.

Rest assured, I will uphold these values as we guide you through your business transition. I will prioritize the growth and well-being of your business and team with these core principles.